Restore your driver’s license after suspension or revocation with the help of an experienced license restoration lawyer such as Matt Norwood. Navigating the DLAD Hearing Process in Michigan When your… CONTINUE
Revoked Driver’s License in Michigan: Getting Your License Back with a Skilled Attorney
Facing a Michigan driver’s license revocation can be stressful and challenging. Learn how a revoked license lawyer, like Matthew L. Norwood, can help you navigate the process and restore your… CONTINUE
Getting Your License Reinstated
According to a recent article in the Detroit Freepress: “Drivers will have to jump through numerous hoops before they can get back licenses suspended because of unpaid driver responsibility fees.”… CONTINUE
Gov. Rick Snyder signs legislation to accelerate elimination of Driver Responsibility Fees
LANSING, Mich. – Driver Responsibility Fees will be eliminated sooner and a new program will assist individuals who have entered into payment plans as well as provide for possible license… CONTINUE